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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

maxxF - The Mega Trainer (with DVD) (Lust for practice)

One method - many effects: maxxF provides more power and a well-formed, healthy body. For maxxF exercises are the most effective out there, even compared with strength training with machines or with other assistive technology that is scientifically proven. The best part: In order to achieve visible and tangible effects, it's enough, twice a week between 10 and 30 minutes to train. The book shows the specific training principles, the 14 basic exercises and stretching exercises innovative addition that also improve muscle strength. In addition, it offers numerous training programs: such as for stomach, legs, buttocks, for a strong back, and programs for beginners, intermediate, or rushed. From this exercise can really benefit everyone, because each exercise is shown in at least three difficulty levels that can be adapted to flowing. maxxF that means maximum success with maximum flexibility.
About the Author
Wend Uwe Boeckh-Behrens, born in 1943, and 2008 Academic Director at the Institute for Sports Science at the University of Bayreuth. Since 1995 he is a speaker, concept developer and fitness instructor at the academy in-line (management consulting for fitness and leisure facilities). His interest is mainly related to health and fitness, exercise science and sport of badminton.

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